I had previously record eighteen ten minute episodes and released them either on Great Hites, which has since discontinued podcasting, or on Compassion 365 which ran during 2010.
I have edited those first 18 episodes again, and will record them over again as well, but combine them into 9 twenty minute episodes. The balance of the book, which has not been recorded before, will likely fall into 6 to 8 more episodes. Since time to focus on projects has become extremely limited, rather than creating a new blog, or dedicated website, I will use this blog site to talk about "The Price of Friendship"
The audio episodes will be released through www.podiobooks.com
So keep an eye on this site, and in the next two to three weeks, you might start seeing updated information about my podcast novel.
In other news. our forth issue of The Flagship of Flying Island Press is coming out, if not already, in the next day or so. I get to work with a group of talented people as we put together the bi-montly issue of science fiction and fantasy short stories, available in audio, and most electronic formats, such as; Kindle, Nook, and ePub.
Check out the website at http://flyingislandpress.com