It's only two hours per day, and I can do it right from home. But to do it, I need to make some changes in my lifestyle.
The job is to become a writer.
I've fiddle around with it for some time. I've written a few stories, taken an online writing course, and improved my skills.
Yet, I waste a lot of time on unproductive activities. Namely, MMORPG's. I love them, and have played them for six or seven years now. I've been successful in my game play and have amassed fortunes in the various monetary systems of the game.
But when I stop paying the monthly fee, all that goes away and I am left with nothing.
The new plan is to eliminate the hours spent playing online games, go to bed by nine o'clock, get up at 4:00 am and get my writing done. My daily writing time will increase from 0 to 50 minutes per day to 45 to 120 minutes per day. (Mainly in the morning, as that is when my best thoughts and description comes.)
It is already past 9 pm, so I'm going to stop writing and get to bed.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning.